8 July 2021

Social Exclusion

Entrepreneurship Education Can Help Fight Social Exclusion


By working towards availing entrepreneurship education to everyone, we believe that we can help to favorably change perceptions about social exclusion

Globally, the loss in human capital wealth due to gender inequality alone is estimated at $160.2 trillion. In 2018 the World Bank estimated that Africa alone lost $ 2.5 trillion in human capital due to gender inequality. Another study explained that exclusion of the ethnic minority Roma cost Romania 887 million euros in lost productivity. In a world where 90 percent of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school and out of all women-led companies, there are only 4.2% that generate more than $1 million in annual revenue, it is evident that social exclusion is a challenge in day to day life.

Unfortunately the subject of social exclusion often proves to be a difficult one to tackle. Perhaps this is so because of the depth to which socially divisive factors are embedded in almost every community. This however, does not mean it is impossible to minimise and hopefully even eradicate this vice. But in order to achieve that, we need to first understand what social exclusion is, the manner in which it manifests and why entrepreneurship could serve as a stepping stone to reducing the rate and impact of social exclusion.

What Is Social Exclusion?

While it would be easier to define social exclusion in a single sentence, such a definition would not suffice, because social exclusion is a very complex process with multiple dimensions to it. Social exclusion is often described as the process in which individuals are blocked from, or denied full access to various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group. This could be denial or restricted access to needs such as housing and healthcare, opportunities like employment, or rights such as civic engagement, democratic participation, and due process.

What is even worse is that the grounds that determine whether one is included or excluded socially are often inconsequential traits such as gender, race, country of origin, age, physical or sensory ability, and religious or political inclination. When such biases are entertained, they seem to have damaging effects not just on the individual, but on the society as a whole.

What Are The Consequences Of Social Exclusion?

From an individual’s point of view, social exclusion is emotionally, financially and socially damaging. The stigma and discrimination that comes with it can lead to a lack of self-worth, anger and hatred towards the person or people encouraging the exclusion as well as reduced income and increased participation in crime.

On the greater spectrum of the society, the consequences of social exclusion are even more dire. Some of the effects that social exclusion has on the society, that we want focus on, include:

- Diminished Entrepreneurial Activity

Excluding certain individuals from essential political, economic, and social processes, greatly denies them the chance to acquire entrepreneurial abilities. Such individuals often lack adequate and relevant education, proper training or access to financial instruments, all of which are necessary to start and run a business. Excluded individuals also lack the knowledge of legal systems and labor markets that can help them in their quest to become entrepreneurs. What is even most unfortunate is that many don’t even believe that entrepreneurship is an option for them. All these factors greatly reduce the entrepreneurial capacity of communities and ultimately, that of the entire country or region practicing social exclusion.

- Economic Decline

Consequently, this lack of skill and knowledge of entrepreneurship activities has a boomerang effect on the economy. Individuals who would have positively contributed towards economic growth are rendered dependent on the already scarce jobs or forced to languish in abject poverty. The end result is a decline in the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, of the particular country or region, and a subsequent increase in poverty and crime rates.

What Can Be Done To Reduce Social Exclusion In The World

While it is not as easy to completely do away with social exclusion, something can still be done to reduce its spread and impact. From our point of view, this “something” is entrepreneurship learning and guidance. By working towards availing entrepreneurship education to everyone, we believe that we can help to favorably change perceptions about social exclusion. Through entrepreneurship education, socially excluded individuals and communities can have a shot at growing their business ideas and prove that the benefits, if any, of social exclusion are outweighed by those of social inclusion.

Also, by giving excluded individuals an opportunity to get information about and support to engage in entrepreneurial activities, they definitely stand a better chance at being equipped to understand business concepts, regulations and opportunities. All this will ease the process for them starting or running their own business, and in the long run, can empower them to achieve social inclusion.

This is why we are deeply dedicated to making sure everyone with the desire to learn and start or grow a business gets a chance to nurture their ideas into reality. We strive to see a world where no single idea is inhibited, and we want you to be part of this journey.

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